
You need to look no further than the current political success of the Obama campaign to understand that the Internet is the new paradigm in the creation of a grassroots political campaign and political upstart.  The expansion of the tried and true channels of message delivery included for the first time, Facebook, which turned out to be one of the campaigns most successful tools in sending the Obama message to this previously untapped voting segment. Early on and crucial to the campaigns success Chris Huges, Facebooks founder offered his services by the marketing of the Obama machine via his popular social network platform. “It should come as no surprise that a Millennial co-founder of Facebook, left that company to run Barack Obama’s online campaign. Millennials are the first generation to have never known a world without the Internet, has been woven into their everyday lives. They are fluent with technology and with communicating on-line; it’s entirely natural to them”.

Since this segment of the voting public had never been organized nor galvanized to one candidate in prior elections the farming of this element was the logical choice to push the “social” agenda of the Obama campaign.  The method of reaching this segment is through what has become the standard for communication among the youth movement. It was vital that to reach this element the message was to speak to this segment in a, nonoffensive non-authorian manner, “And that is why the Obama campaign had such an informal tone, casual tone. Because the Internet is a conversational medium, the Millennial marketers of Obama’s campaign used that casual tone as well. And because that informal style fit naturally with Millennials’ general online experience, because it was the way they communicated, the campaign messages pulled them in”.

This new paradigm offered the new untapped segment the “Change” they were seeking and did so by not to cramming the same message of political dogma as used in past elections. “Name deleted, 31, a volunteer at the Obama office in Wilson, N.C., agreed. “You get the feeling that you’re becoming friends with him in that casual way,” he said. “I think everyone takes ownership of it because you feel like you know who he is.”  By using this type of campaign the Obam team received 60% of the 18-29 year old vote by communicating via the Internet in a form that is second nature to this target group.

As is now being discovered by media experts these tactics mirror Saul Alinski’s outline for the creation of a grassroots movement, but now rather than going face to face belly to belly, the process is handled in a much more efficient manner covering a much larger audience by the utilization of the online community.  This decision to use the Internet to win the hearts and minds of the youth vote dovetailed into the overall media plan to mass market the Obama message.  This previously untested style of marketing methodology along with the highly emotional reinforcement of the premise of “change” including the use of targeted “ridicule”, once again comes from the pages of “Rules for Radicals” Mr. Alinskys manifesto, “Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon. It is almost impossible to counterattack ridicule. Also, it infuriates the opposition, who then react to your advantage.”

By the continual demonizing of the past administration, strife and unrest was reinforced in the daily spin by the Obama campaign, this along with the strategy of the creation of a separation of classes further fueled the anger of what the campaign noted as the, disenfranchised.  Clear lines were formed, “are you for the same old ideas of the past, or change”.  This righteous indignation and sense of injustice was masterfully played out in the daily message to further polarize and identified the past administration as the “cause to all of our problems”.  Rarely was it ever mentioned that the democrats controlled the house as of 2004, and that having the majority, were steering policy regardless of the executive branch.  Never has perception been so wisely used to create a new reality when one did not exist.  Truth be told, the only change that has taken place to date is the switch from a free market system to one of government control and Keynesian economic structure.

Now the byproduct of the winning the “thought war” has led to a castration of the Republican party, who are currently scattering about to find a message that works.  The party is forced to react rather than implement, as noted here in one pundits observation, “Republicans reaction to all this is to immediately go on the defensive. Seldom do they unleash their pit bull orators or strategists. Rather than use the immense amount of data available to prove the conservative case, Republicans tug their forelocks, say “yes sir,” and hope the accusations and name calling will go away”.

What is apparent when one can step aside of all the rhetoric and propaganda is our Nation is in for a large expansion of government, money is being earmarked with out programs or guidelines in place, our dollar will devalue to the point of third world value, the debt being created cannot be amortized off in short order, regulations will kill small business, centralized banking is being prepped by the current administration for its implementation, more power in the executive branch is being amassed, and our liberties and constitution is being subjugated to international law.  But due to the slick message and teleprompter speeches our new President has been raised to the level of idolization by the masses.  None of this is good for “We the People”, stand up and be heard, do not take any message at face value, think for your self and decide, politics needs to give way to “the voice of the people”

  1. karmahd says:

    Comments please

  2. VotingFemale says:

    Great WP Report! wow!

    47 stars!

  3. VotingFemale says:

    I use that against Obama daily…

    Mr. Alinskys manifesto, “Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon. It is almost impossible to counterattack ridicule. Also, it infuriates the opposition, who then react to your advantage.”

  4. karmahd says:

    I rewrote most of it, very difficult to read!!!

  5. bydesign001 says:

    “You get the feeling that you’re becoming friends with him in that casual way,” he said.

    Well said. I refer to this particular con game as the “Myth of Obama.” It is a game that is successful only on the very illiterate and the young. There is no mistake in Obama reaching out to 18-29 year old age group.

    “I think everyone takes ownership of it because you feel like you know who he is.”

    In their lust for defiance and the reality that they are coming of age, the revolt and rebuke all good intentions thereby rendering themselves gullible. In so doing, Obama can play them like a fiddle, he has and continues to do so to date when in the truth, they don’t know him at all.

    • karmahd says:

      Yes that is the master plan it appears, I wanted to bring to light the reason for the coup in the last election, I hear all the time well the people voted for change, and yes that is correct, but which people??

  6. m2elena says:

    “Truth be told, the only change that has taken place to date is the switch from a free market system to one of government control and Keynesian economic structure.”


  7. m2elena says:

    I have a Facebook. During the campaign there was a application script, where if you “signed up” for it, it would release a robot generated Status update on your report EVERY HOUR. “So-and-So is ‘donating’ their ‘status’ to get out the vote for Barack Obama, you can donate your status too, click here”


    You can only guess how many of those I saw. (Puke-inducing)

  8. m2elena says:

    I heard on a conservative program that the Obama Campaign team employed volunteers and interns to scour the net and fill up comment boards with pro-Obama talk, to make it appear that he was gaining majority vote. That’s part of Alinsky… to make the enemy think you are “bigger” than you really are.

  9. rosehips says:

    karma, I just came from the library and looked for Alinsky’s book. They have 1 copy and it is overdue! Damn radicals! lol.

  10. m2elena says:

    I can’t help getting on Facebook. It is a tremendous waste of time, but I still go. Boo.

  11. karmahd says:

    I have an account M2 but I have not done much there either, time to put some stuff up!

  12. m2elena says:

    Talk about creepy.
    Here is origin (besides Oprah) of calling Barack Messiah (Oprah said “the one”) WHO has “captured the Youth vote”… and liberals are supposed to be scared by mind-control religion?


  13. LisaInTX says:

    That was KICK BUTT!! Well Done!:-}

  14. karmahd says:

    Thanks Daren, I did see your home page, I do hope your comments are not spam.

  15. arlenearmy says:

    I like this posting, Karama. This reminds me of Obama pegging some guy from Symantec Norton. I can’t think of the person’s name off hand. I think it was a black guy who was / is the CEO of that company. It sort of scared me when he Obama 1st considered him. A lot of folks depend on Norton for virus protection & some folks store their data on Norton. Fortunately, that guy did not take the job.

  16. arlenearmy says:

    I think that one or some of the Google folks are working for Obama. Today, I heard on news that Google is buying out Twitter. I got a Twitter account that I rarely used. This is probably Obama trying to take control of the internet. I mean this literally. Even down the way we think.

    • karmahd says:

      I think people are starting to see Obama for what he is, I saw an article from Penn of Penn and Teller fame, and he was questioning the wisdom of Obamas spending habits. The light will shine on the truth, it always does no matter how much you break the truth, his day will come.

  17. nevenera1 says:

    Hello All,
    You all know I have no problems with Obama, so I am not going to spend time defending him here. I didn’t like Bush and I went after him, so you guys are entitled to do the same with Obama.

    The real reason I came by was I saw your comments on the olddue (or something like that) post.

    I don’t really want to go back there, so it is odd that I should say this, but don’t let them silence you, it would be very bad for the site if everyone with an opinion stops going there. You still have a voice on that site and I hope you use it (without getting banned lol).

    Anyhow, I will leave you all to your Obama bashing lol!


    • karmahd says:

      Hey Nev, I tried to show that I am not bashing Obama per say, just the methods used that propelled him to the win in the last election. The Republicans were sorely lacking in there campaign, they did not have a consistent message, they did not use the technology that was available and got there asses handed to them by a political upstart!! What we have today in politics is rarely one man or woman that is bringing the message to the voters, we have teams, large corporations, and special interests all banding together to win the hearts and minds of the voter. Quite honestly I think they all suck, McCain I did know loved his country, but this will piss VF off but I did not like Palin. I chose to vote Republican because I felt that Obama did not have any record to judge and was without a platform, IE; he never took a stand when he was in the house?? Right or wrong you have to take a stand not just talk about it. My main goal is to get the message to the voter that all politicians lie, pander, and are two faced. The change we need is for someone to stand up without fear of recourse and do the right thing. The Obama team is not doing that right now, they are creating one hell of a problem for the future and selling out the American ideal to gain world power?? To much, to fast, to self serving. I would say the same if Obama was a republican. Bush I did not vote for, and he brought our country to the closest to a facists state than any other leader of our time. We all have a lot of work to do, and I do hope people can see beyond rhetoric and slick production to reach that goal…

  18. rosehips says:

    karma, I don’t see any comment from nev here, but I appreciate your comment. I understand the fear and concerns about obama. I am a Kucinich supporter. I think he was one of the only candidates that could really be trusted. But honesty and integrity won’t get you elected. Obama’s stars were well positioned. I’m not yet convinced it’s bad.

  19. karmahd says:

    Sorry I forgot to approve the comment it is there now Rose and Arlene

  20. VotingFemale says:

    Let me know when you finally make a decision on Obama dear.


    karma, I don’t see any comment from nev here, but I appreciate your comment. I understand the fear and concerns about obama. I am a Kucinich supporter. I think he was one of the only candidates that could really be trusted. But honesty and integrity won’t get you elected. Obama’s stars were well positioned. I’m not yet convinced it’s bad.

  21. Karma, great post. He is so diabolical. You said above “a volunteer at the Obama office said”…(Narcissm CREEPY!)

    However, I do believe in addition to all the reasons you state here.
    He won because Biblical Prophecy is being fulfilled. Not that it is the end of the world or Jesus returning right away (eventhough he could at the blink of an eye).

    His election and ALL that he is doing, is setting the state for Bible Prophecy to be fulfulled and that is my perspective. We all know that perception is our reality too.

  22. LisaInTX says:

    Great report. Saul Alinsky is a master at organizing and if more folks would read what is in that book, they would SEE what the heck is going on.

  23. rosehips says:

    so you still support amazon karma?

  24. VotingFemale says:

    shoot get it at the library for nothing!

    If they dont have it they will order it…

  25. karmahd says:

    I am a big amazon supporter LOL, VF I dont want a public record that I have read that book LOL.

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